It’s been a while. 10 years to be exact.

I really enjoyed writing when I was in my teens. I used to update my blog on an almost daily basis on a Blogger hosted website.

Then, national service came. I wanted to hide everything I’ve posted on the blog before I got enlisted because I was not willing to let it cause any trouble. It’s not that it had anything particularly sensitive or controversial on the blog; I just felt at that time that I didn’t want to share my personal musings to more than just my usual audience.

Near the end of my national service, I had to undergo quite a major surgery. This meant that there was a long period of downtime for me that carried on past my ORD day. By the time I had somewhat recovered, I was suddenly ready to join the workforce.

With all that passion for writing now behind me, and fast-forward 10 years toiling away at work, some things are now forgotten. Hell, I’ve even stopped posting anything on social media.

I guess getting back to doing things you enjoy isn’t easy when the fiery passion turns into nothing but a flickering candlelight. I constantly find excuses that I am too busy to start it up again.

Then comes a pandemic.

It turns out that I had too much time. Time on weekends otherwise spent outdoors are now confined to my modest bedroom. Then, guess what? All that passion then hits back at me like a raging infection… which reminds me, I love puns.

I’ve had the domain and a US$10/month DigitalOcean VM droplet sitting dormant for nearly half a decade. Well, I guess I could do something with it.

Why did I name it Fictional Studios again? Let’s just say its a combination of crushed dreams and laziness. Who knows when I may revive my aforementioned dream of being my own boss?

Okay, sorry for sidetracking. Back to the bit about my rekindled passion…

So that’s where it all went in motion again. I rebuilt the DigitalOcean VM and had Cloudflare take care of static asset caching and DNS, installed WordPress, bought a US$35 WordPress theme and viola… my passion came back from the dead!

Posting my writing on Facebook would have been the easy fix. There’s a ready audience that’s ready to critique my work… of which I am not very sure if I am ready for. I guess whatever I write here is only meant for myself right now.

I do plan to transfer some of my better writing that I’ve written back in my Blogger days to this website. Just hope they don’t become a laughing stock.

I will also write about code and web development as well, for which it has been my day job for nearly a decade.

So here it is. Let’s see how things turn out this time.